Class [default context]

   +--[default context]

class [default context]

Method Summary
<static> function WBZ_attribute(element,attributeName,defaultValue)
           returns the attribute value of an element.
<static> function WBZ_clone(original)
           creates a new object and copies all properties and method from the original.
<static> function WBZ_debug(message)
           uses global Logger-Object for debugging
<static> function WBZ_diff(listA,listB,diffA,diffB,equals)
           Performes a diff between to lists.
<static> function WBZ_dumpProperties(element)
<static> function WBZ_equals(listA,listB,equals)
           Test if the two list are equal
<static> function WBZ_getChilds(node)
           returns the child nodes elments and text-nodes of an element-node.
<static> function WBZ_getChildsByTagName(node,tagName)
           returns the child nodes elments and text-nodes of an element-node.
<static> function WBZ_getDebugger(message)
           You can debug into a global logger-element with the id log_window
<static> function WBZ_getElements(node)
           returns the child elments (only the elements not the text-nodes) of an element-node.
<static> function WBZ_getFirstElement(node)
           returns the first child element (only the element not the text-nodes) of an element-node.
<static> function WBZ_info(message)
           uses global Logger-Object for debugging
<static> function WBZ_insertAfter(parentNode,newNode,insertPoint)
           Insert newNode after insertPoint under the parentNode.
<static> function WBZ_insertBefore(parentNode,newNode,insertPoint)
           Insert newNode before insertPoint under the parentNode.
<static> function WBZ_isAncestorOf(node,childNode)
<static> function WBZ_isAncestorOrSelf(node,childNode)
<static> function WBZ_isTargeted(changes,model)
           Tests, if one of the changes events is targeted to childrens of the model or the model itself.
<static> function WBZ_nextElementSibling(element)
           returns the first following sibling that is an element-node or null if no such sibling exists.
<static> function WBZ_parseXML(text,document)
           parses an xml-fragment from a text.
<static> function WBZ_previousElementSibling(element)
           returns the first previous sibling that is an element-node or null if no such sibling exists.
<static> function WBZ_remove(parentNode, node)
           same as parentNode.
<static> function WBZ_removeAll(node)
           Removes all child nodes from the node.
<static> function WBZ_removeId(element,recursive)
<static> function WBZ_serializeXML(node)
           serializes a document node to a text string and handles the proper encodings.
<static> function WBZ_setDebuggingLevel(level)
           Set the global debuggin level
<static> function WBZ_setNewId(element,recursive)
<static> function WBZ_wrapChildConfigs(childs)
           Wraps multiple view-configurations and/or elements without a without a wobzilla-namespace in a WbzContainer config.
<static> function WBZ_wrapConfig(config)
           tests if the child-elements of a configuration are excactly one valid view entry or otherwise creates a WbzContainer Wrapper-Configuration.
<static> function assertNotNull(arg,text)

Method Detail


<static> function WBZ_attribute(element,attributeName,defaultValue)
returns the attribute value of an element. If the attribute is not set the default value will be used.


<static> function WBZ_clone(original)
creates a new object and copies all properties and method from the original.

the clone


<static> function WBZ_debug(message)
uses global Logger-Object for debugging


<static> function WBZ_diff(listA,listB,diffA,diffB,equals)
Performes a diff between to lists. A variant of the classical VMS-DIFF Algorithm, that doesn't use the LCS approach. Worst-case is quadratic run-time when the lists have common elements.

diffB - an Array to store the elements that are removed from A

listB - the second list as Array

diffA - an Array to store the elements that are inserted into A

listA - the first list as Array

equals - a function that test equality of elements in listA with elements of listB


<static> function WBZ_dumpProperties(element)


<static> function WBZ_equals(listA,listB,equals)
Test if the two list are equal

equals - a function that test equality of elements in listA with elements of listB

true if lists are equal


<static> function WBZ_getChilds(node)
returns the child nodes elments and text-nodes of an element-node. Use this method instead of node.childNodes when you are modifing th node while iteratin childNodes.


<static> function WBZ_getChildsByTagName(node,tagName)
returns the child nodes elments and text-nodes of an element-node. Use this method instead of node.childNodes when you are modifing th node while iteratin childNodes.


<static> function WBZ_getDebugger(message)
You can debug into a global logger-element with the id log_window


<static> function WBZ_getElements(node)
returns the child elments (only the elements not the text-nodes) of an element-node.


<static> function WBZ_getFirstElement(node)
returns the first child element (only the element not the text-nodes) of an element-node.


<static> function WBZ_info(message)
uses global Logger-Object for debugging


<static> function WBZ_insertAfter(parentNode,newNode,insertPoint)
Insert newNode after insertPoint under the parentNode. If insertPoint is null, the node will be appended behind the last child-node of parentNode


<static> function WBZ_insertBefore(parentNode,newNode,insertPoint)
Insert newNode before insertPoint under the parentNode. If insertPoint is null, the node will be appended behind the last child-node of parentNode


<static> function WBZ_isAncestorOf(node,childNode)


<static> function WBZ_isAncestorOrSelf(node,childNode)


<static> function WBZ_isTargeted(changes,model)
Tests, if one of the changes events is targeted to childrens of the model or the model itself.


<static> function WBZ_nextElementSibling(element)
returns the first following sibling that is an element-node or null if no such sibling exists. See DOM Specification for Definition of nextSibling.


<static> function WBZ_parseXML(text,document)
parses an xml-fragment from a text.

text - the text that is parsed

document - a document object

the node that is parsed


<static> function WBZ_previousElementSibling(element)
returns the first previous sibling that is an element-node or null if no such sibling exists. See DOM Specification for Definition of previousSibling.


<static> function WBZ_remove(parentNode, node)
same as parentNode.removeChild(node). But the exception includes a stacktrace.


<static> function WBZ_removeAll(node)
Removes all child nodes from the node.


<static> function WBZ_removeId(element,recursive)


<static> function WBZ_serializeXML(node)
serializes a document node to a text string and handles the proper encodings.

node - the node to be serialized

the serialized string


<static> function WBZ_setDebuggingLevel(level)
Set the global debuggin level


<static> function WBZ_setNewId(element,recursive)


<static> function WBZ_wrapChildConfigs(childs)
Wraps multiple view-configurations and/or elements without a without a wobzilla-namespace in a WbzContainer config. See WbzContainer documentation for more information.

the configuration of a wrapper object


<static> function WBZ_wrapConfig(config)
tests if the child-elements of a configuration are excactly one valid view entry or otherwise creates a WbzContainer Wrapper-Configuration.

the child-configuration or if neccessary a configuration of a wrapper object


<static> function assertNotNull(arg,text)